Letters to Lilith

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How to Cast a Circle

Circle casting is one of the most basic tools in the witch's toolkit. For decades the witch's circle has been an iconic mark of the witch and the occult, but you do not need to be psychic or Helga Hag of the Woods to use this esoteric technique. Casting a circle can also be helpful for highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths, or people who come in contact with many different energies throughout the day.

What is circle casting?

In the simplest explanation, circle casting is the act of forming a protective blanket of energy for spiritual work to protect against unwanted energy and external influences. The circle is a portable altar, safe space, and extension of aura expanded into the desired shape by pulling energy from the earth and sun/moon, depending on the time of day. The circle can be purely visualized or visualized, incorporated with candles, decor, and symbolic items.

When should I cast a circle?

Circle casting is usually completed before ritual work and then dissipated at the end. Other useful times to cast a circle are around the vehicle when traveling, around you or loved ones before bed, or even around an item that you need to be delivered.

How do I cast a circle?

No hard and fast rule exists for the best way to cast a circle, but the stronger the visualization is, the stronger your shield will be. The level of difficulty increases in some types of traditional witchcraft with more rigid structures of rituals than those who do eclectic magick intuitively, but neither is incorrect. Practicing with your own energy and style will help you fine-tune any of these methods into your own. You will learn what works best for you and the strongest method of boosting your magick with experience and practice.

Method 1: Visualization

Ground and center to the earth. Visualize white light being pulled up from the earth into your root chakra and from the sun down your crown chakra. Visualize the sky and earth energy meeting in your heart chakra and beaming outward. Visualize the white light circling from the North/ Earth going clockwise to each quarter and associated element: East/Air, South/Fire, West/Water. Call upon each element's magick and protection as you walk the perimeter of the circle. Envision that circle extending in every direction, forming an orb around you and intertwining with your aura. Say an affirmation such as, "The circle is cast. So it is." End the circle by doing the process in reverse.

Method 2: Visualization and Candles

Use visualization from above. Visualizing at each direction, light candle of the associated element. You may use four white candles or four different colored candles of corresponding elemental color.

Method 3: Visualization, Sigils, and Candles

Use Method 2, but inside a pentagram, triple moon, solar cross, lunar spiral, or other associated sigils for specific magickal work or rituals. You may use thread, ribbon, paint, blessed saltwater, or etch it into the soil with a twig, wand, or staff.

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