Letters to Lilith

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The Values of a Green Witch

The Values of a Green Witch

What does a Green Witch value?

The green witch values Earth's medicine as a holistic and preventative tool before turning to western medicine, which holds equal value but usually with uncomfortable side-effects. The green witch finds wealth in access to nature and wildlife, the wonders of Gaia. A green witch values her intuition and communication with creatures both in and out of the physical realm. The green witch finds healing to be best incorporated at the physical, mental, and metaphysical cumulatively. The green witch studies nature's pharmacy while harnessing divine feminine energy that holds real transformative power.

Rules of Conduct

The Green witch values many things, but dogma is not one. Green Witchcraft does not have a specific set of rules to follow because the path is not trying to change you into someone you are not. Some hereditary green witches may have rules of conduct handed down to them from their mothers and grandmothers, or some may follow their own set of rules, but each witch has free will and the ability to question every obstacle. The obstacle to ethics is another opportunity to grow.

Caregivers and Guardians

Although green witchcraft does not value dogma, the overall philosophy is the same. If we carry empathy and compassion for nature, Earth, and those around us- we will not abuse it. Give the respect and compassion you would want to receive from others. This idea is the Golden Rule mentioned in various significant religions. We, as witches, are guardians and caregivers to Earth, creatures, and humans alike. Our focus should be bringing harmony, peace, and healing through our energy and interactions.

Left or Right-handed Path

A focus on healing does not mean all green witches are all love and light—quite the contrary. With avid respect for light and darkness and the balance it brings us, green witches may practice the left or right-handed path. Some green witches embrace the rule of three or the law of return, but some do not. Some believe there cannot be birth without death, east without west, and magick itself is a neutral tool up to the hands of the user. No matter our feelings on the topic, we should be open and accepting of our sister witches with different boundaries in their craft.

Compassion & Critical Thought

No matter what course of the path you decide to take, witches should always be critical of their ethics and aim to become both objective and subjective observers of the human experience. What does this mean? Have the expertise to understand, but the distance to not allow emotions to control your behavior. We are not our thoughts or our feelings, but the observer of our experience, both external and internal.

Don't be short-tempered and rush to harm with little thought of balance and possible consequences. Don't use the craft to feed your ego. Strive to be selfless while also having a deep love for yourself, knowing the love you give creates the joy that feeds your heart. You are slow to anger through compassion because you know the trauma cycle ends when we release fear through intentional awareness and love, and the Earth needs desperate healing.

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