Witches in Film: 50 Movies on Witchcraft Pt. I

Witches are the infamous villain. Serving the devil, eating children, seducing men, and casting evil spells are said to be among the cruel intentions of the witch, warning young people and children not to stray from the narrow path.

Whether an old hag or a young seductress disguised to lure men away, witches are synonymous with female sexuality. Whether a local healer, an herbalist, or an unwed woman, being labeled a witch was the ultimate punitive label by religious hysteria and male-dominated communities.

The feminist movement reclaimed the word “witch” and its intrinsic power within social justice and patriarchal culture. It wasn’t until recent decades do we see witches being positively portrayed in pop culture more consistently.

Whether pushing the stigma or giving the witchcraft community a new narrative, here are 50-plus films centering on witches from before 1998!

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Menstrual Blood for Wellness and Magick

The menstrual cycle is a physical manifestation of the divine feminine. Historically, women gathered to rest, reflect, and share wisdom during their periods. Because of sexism and cultural norms originating from patriarchal religion, our culture stigmatizes periods and most attributes associated with womanhood. Viewing Menstrual blood and menstruation as sacred and highly esoteric is shamed and considered "dirty" and taboo in Western culture. Science is now catching up with what the old ways always knew- menstrual blood is sacred and filled with nutrients. We can use the blood for gardening, skincare, wellness, shadow-work, rituals, art, painting, and sexual liberation. Third-wave feminism reclaims our divine right to celebrate rather than suffer through our monthly cycles.

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Magickal Influences of the Days of the Week

Using the magickal influences of the days of the week to plan your magickal or even your day-to-day activities is an easy way to work with the flow of the natural universe. Below is each day of the week with their associated planet, element, gender, deities, colors, crystals, plants, planets, and themes.

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Manifesting and Sacred Spaces

A strong morning ritual to calibrate your entire spiritual through your physical body is the foundation for the best outcome to your day. Altars and sacred spaces offer relief from the outside world, connection to the metaphysical or spiritual realm, and are helpful when manifesting the life you want.

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Magic: The Bridge Between Religion and Science

Magic is heavily theorized in the topic of religion and was a crucial element in theorizing early anthropology. When we learn about Magic, we learn about ourselves— the human race. The theory of Magic is intersectional to the cross-cultural pursuit of enlightenment, knowledge, and power.

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