Manifesting and Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces are a Tool for Manifesting

Let's talk about sacred spaces, and how they are useful. Besides the obvious relief and connection, an altar offers from the outside world, sacred spaces are so helpful when manifesting the life you want. I'm a lazy witch, but if there is one place to not skip corners--it is in your morning mental ritual. A strong morning ritual to calibrate your entire spiritual through your physical body is the foundation for the best outcome to your day. Becoming consistent with my practice wasn't easy (I told you I'm a lazy witch!), but starting with small, consistent steps made it become second nature. And once you ENJOY something, it's no longer a chore, it's a healthy habit.


Our Environment Mirrors Our Mind

Typically, an altar can also be a witch's magickal crafting table. If you are like me and love all the different types of flowers, herbs, oils, crystals, scrying tools, oracle cards, candles, reference materials, can imagine how cluttered the space can become. I have learned, a witch's altar reflects how focused or cluttered the witch's magick is.

[Note: If you are into chaos magick, take this blog with a grain of salt. Use what is helpful, and disregard what doesn't work for you.]

I used to have a giant altar filled with all my magickal supplies, but I noticed it distracted me from my focus. Much like the inside of my brain, there were too many possibilities for me to pick what I was working on that day! I have ADHD and I needed to adjust. This sounds slightly familiar to my career life as well haha.

When I moved into my new apartment, I loved the outline of an ornate fireplace (although without a pit). I thought what a perfect spot to make a sacred space in my house. I started storing most magickal items to take out as I needed them, and only keep out my the necessities: a silver platter; pictures or statues of deities, ancestors, or guides; a candle holder; the current oil I'm using for the candle; my tarot cards; my grimoire and dream journal; and a silver bell. Anything else I need to dress the candle, prepare a spell, or complete a ritual comes from my broom closet (my walk-in closet where I keep all my magickal items, clothes, shoes, and art supplies.)

Classically Condition Your Mindset

Every morning I turn on Solfeggio Frequencies (to clear the space and classically condition my body into relaxing), light my incense to smoke-cleanse the area, dress and light the candle, and ring the shiny bell three times. I call to my guides, give gratitude, hold a conversation, meditate and journal on any dreams I had the night before, and if the moment calls for it--I read some tarot.

If you aren't a strong dreamer, a manifestation journal works well for this too. Making a routine with your guides is a marvelous manner in which to build rapport. If you come from a religion that uses strict traditions, such as lighting candles during prayer at evening mass, you are already familiar with this process. I also like to clean the space and myself before. To me, this is a sign of reverence and respect. If your space is in the woods and you are connecting to a primal archetype, maybe that would be counter-productive. Use your intuition. Make the ritual your own.

Everything Starts in the Mental Body

Since I have started "flexing" on my morning routine, grounding, and resetting my mental and emotional body, I have noticed feeling stronger in my physical body and day-to-day life. I feel stronger and eager to do the small steps that lead to big goals. And when I don't feel excited or I feel tired, I ask for help from my guides to feel up to the task at hand or the acceptance of pause, if I need emotional, mental, or physical rest. Remember, rest is a non-negotiable part of manifesting.

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