Shadow-work: Discomfort is the Gateway to Transformation

Shadow-work: Discomfort is the Gateway to Transformation

When a plant outgrows its container, the roots become crowded. Without being repotted into a larger area, the plant will start to die as the roots compete for space. The plant must be taken out before the crowding starts, or else the roots must be torn by subtle rips in the compacted soil below it.

Digging up the plant and tearing the roots is stress on the lifeform. The process can be painful, and too much pressure will kill it. But with care, the newly planted life will heal, and the roots will expand; thus, the foliage becomes grander with a more powerful life force. 

Aren't we humans just another model of life? 

What is Discomfort?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, discomfort (noun) is mental or physical uneasiness, annoyance, distress, or grief.

Types of Discomfort

Discomfort can be mental (psyche), physical (body), or emotional (spiritual). Mental discomfort can include studying new information that is hard to understand or retain. Physical discomfort can include tearing our muscles to grow. Emotional discomfort can consist of exploring our fears so that they may no longer have a hold over our lives.

Why is Discomfort Important?

Discomfort is essential because, without it, growth would cease to exist. Would we pursue an education if we were comfortable with an unfulfilling job? Would we exercise if slothfulness made us fit? Would a baby bird leave the nest if it didn't get cramped and filled with bird sh*t?

Discomfort is a Signal

Discomfort can signal our consciousness from our subconscious, our nerves (neurotransmitters), or our surroundings. Discomfort can signal change is needed, a wound needs healing, that we are in danger, or that we are strengthening a muscle in one of the three bodies mentioned above.

Discomfort Develops a Courageous Heart

With trial and error, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves or a goal that we are reaching. Discomfort can help us develop skills and gain confidence in our abilities. Just as a tree grows deeper roots in response to the stress of the wind, so can we build a solid foundation to reach higher. We wouldn't go to the gym to stay comfortable because we understand our muscles grow. The same is for our mental and spiritual abilities.

How Can We Embrace Discomfort?

The ego exists for our survival, but we will stay in survival mode without mindfulness. The ego places ourselves center to situations to "maintain" control to avoid discomfort. As we evolve, we learn growth cannot happen without pain, just as the day cannot be without night. 

Be Mindful of Avoidant Behavior

When we face complicated feelings, our instinct is to avoid them by distraction, numbing, looking for the next high, or self-medication. We reject the opportunity to ascend into a more divine version of ourselves when we do this.

Redirect Grasps for Control

Instead of attempting to control people and surrounding circumstances, redirect your energy to your response. The universe places the hurdles in front of us as gifts, not punishments.

Prepare Yourself 

Soldiers aren't sent to battle without armor. Athletes don't exercise without proper gear. Every day is a new chance to exercise our resilience, courageousness, and passion. Some days we will feel weak, but that "exercise" is just as important, if not more than our strong days. 

Running 5 miles may be hard for those who are not runners, but it's a light jog to the marathoner. This is the nature of any skill, like facing discomfort in any area of life. The rhythm of life does not change or get easier, but that doesn't mean it won't feel easier as we progress!


Self-care is self-compassion. We must treat ourselves with dignity and respect, including how we speak to ourselves. We must become our most prominent advocates to embody the best version of ourselves. When we have overwhelming pain in one area of our life, we can treat ourselves gently in all others. Sometimes this looks like spending more time with our support system during a breakup or giving ourselves extra nutrition when we are ill.

Discomfort Can Be Empowering

The secret that every empowered person knows is that discomfort is vital. We soar to new heights when we respond in love rather than reacting in fear. When we stay curious about the fears that arise in us, we peel away the mask. We uncover new pieces of our authentic selves. Each small step amounts to miles, to places we once never thought we could reach. And our higher selves are smiling as we accept the gateway to transformation. For they were the ones who placed it at our feet, if only we learn to accept the gift.