Menstrual Blood for Wellness and Magick

Menstrual Blood for Wellness and Magick

Note: Not all women have periods, and not all people who have periods are women. Periods do not make someone a woman, just as going through menopause does not make you any less of a woman. We understand gender is in the brain, while our sex defines the manifestation of our bodies and reproductive functions. 

Both men, women, and nonbinary folks have masculine and feminine energy; for those with an active menstrual cycle, this is how the feminine energy manifests in our bodies, no matter our gender. We are far too complex to over-simplify! Please take this blog with an open mind and heart; take what serves you and leave the rest! 

I am, uh, not suggesting anyone try this for legal reasons. I am not a health professional and merely share the information I have found helpful.  If you decide to try working with menstrual blood of your own free will, ensure you are free of any infections and transmittable diseases.

Menstruation through an Esoteric Lens

The menstrual cycle is a physical manifestation of the divine feminine. Historically, women gathered to rest, reflect, and share wisdom during their periods. This time was considered holy and a time for reflection rather than action. 

Each part of the menstrual cycle corresponds to the four seasons and the four stages of womanhood: maiden (spring), mother (summer), maga (autumn), and crone (winter). We can sync into nature's seasons and our body's "mini-seasons" by adjusting our days to the flow of our bodies.

The divine masculine is associated with the sun, while the divine feminine is related to the moon. Which part of the cycle corresponds with what phase of the moon is debatable and should be decided intuitively by the individual. Please note this does not mean your menstrual cycle will sync up with the corresponding stage of the moon.

The Stigma Surrounding Menstruation and Womanhood

Because of sexism and cultural norms originating from patriarchal religion, our culture stigmatizes periods and most attributes associated with womanhood. Viewing Menstrual blood and menstruation as sacred and highly esoteric is still shamed and considered "dirty" and taboo in Western culture. 

But science is catching up with what the old ways always knew- menstrual blood is sacred and filled with nutrients. We can use the blood for wellness to magickal rituals. 

For those who cannot get past the "ew factor," think about the bodily fluids you put in your mouth after date night if you find this gross. Is using *your own* menstrual blood any more "gross" than that? 

Female sexuality is still shamed where purity culture exists, but the wise ones know the body is our temple; it is a perfectly built bio-electric-magnetic vehicle for our soul filled with information and self-healing abilities. If donating blood, penises, and blowjobs can make it into mainstream culture, I think we can learn to talk about periods without disgust, shame, or embarrassment.

What is Menstruation?

According to Merriam-webster Dictionary, menstruation is: "a cyclical discharging of blood, secretions, and tissue debris from the uterus that recurs in nonpregnant breeding-age primate females at approximately monthly intervals and that is considered to represent a readjustment of the uterus to the nonpregnant state following proliferative changes accompanying the preceding ovulation."

What is in Menstrual Blood?

Menstrual blood is filled with nutrients, minerals, genetic information, and the holy-fountain-of-youth stem cells! Instead of buying a pricey Kardashian-style face mask, our bodies produce it freely every month. 

What are the Health Benefits of Menstrual Blood?

While much more scientific trials need to be done, in theory, menstrual blood can help regenerate your skin or feed nutrients back into your body. Some individuals even drink it! If you are free from disease and the blood is fresh, this is safe to do. But, again, I'm definitely not recommending you try it. ;)

What Can Menstrual Blood be Used for?

  1. Gardening: Menstrual blood makes an excellent fertilizer! Simply, add the blood to your watering can.

  2. Art: Adding blood to or as a substitute for paint can add some serious magick to a Yoni painting or artwork.

  3. Skincare: With nutrients, minerals, and stem cells, menstrual blood can be used as a face mask. It dries on like a clay mask and can even help ease break-outs caused by hormonal changes.

  4. Rituals: Menstrual blood can be used for all kinds of practices such as fertility, banishing shame, sexual power, and shadow-work. You can even make your own magickal candles with a bit of blood in the wax.

How do You Collect and Store Menstrual Blood?

Menstrual blood should be stored like raw meat- covered, sealed, and refrigerated. The fresher the blood, the better! The best collection method is with a period cup. The cup method is also a healthier alternative to tampons.

The Takeaway

No matter what you decide to do with this information, periods are nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed by. Does this mean you have to exclaim your liberation to the entire world? No, and I don't recommend it for everyone. I am open and expect the lash-back, but the harassment is not for everyone.

I hope you learn to tune into your body and treat it with reverence and care. One way you can make your menstrual cycle more celebratory is to add rituals. You can wear designated colors during your moon, take extra care to listen to your body, and carry crystals. Bloodstone, moonstone, or any red crystals work great! Third-wave feminism reclaims our divine right to celebrate rather than suffer through our monthly cycles.

Sources & Additional Resources